I always say I have quicksilver in my body. The thoughts are running trough my head at a crazy speed. Association after association I can get totally lost in these thoughts. As a kid they would end up in an outburst of frustration and tantrum. So I started to kick against a ball with my foot, a cricket batt or hockeystick instead of hitting a pillow against the wall. Since a few years I also write down my thoughts and call them my figments. Sometimes just a blur of words but mostly short texts or poetry. That’s when and how I started to discover and enjoy the world of writing. Something I hope to keep on developing en grow in.
Deserted Cities
For a performance project I wrote a text in reaction to a work by Aglaia Konrad, Deserted Cities.
No more reason to come or go
A city all alone in the middle of nothing
Red Rocks
Walls of stone
Fields of sand
Lost in the emptiness
The days that they were
Lost in the sand of time
Between nothing and useless
Lost in the wind
Like trees in a field
Left all alone
No growth, no process
Future gone
Lost city
Lost existence
No more reason to be
for the full text click here
During the second year of iArts we had a collaboration project with CHILL (Chemelot Innovation Labs)
As a result I did research in what we as humans leave behind.
Click here to download Dissolving Footprints, a research in what we leave behind by Lotte Heerkens